A community of 53 drop-ins and
allied members throughout Toronto

Toronto Drop-In NetworkAccessing Proof of Vaccination for People Who Attended a Low-Barrier Clinic or Don’t Have ID

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Accessing Proof of Vaccination for People Who Attended a Low-Barrier Clinic or Don’t Have ID

Posted on: September 20, 2021
This is a TDIN Publication

Updated: December 23, 2021

People who have ID/OHIP can download their vaccination receipts from the provincial portal: https://covid19.ontariohealth.ca/

You can also reference the University Health Network's COVID-19 Vaccine Passport FAQ for information on obtaining your receipts.


Download this guide as a PDF.

Attended a low-barrier vaccination clinic and not sure how to access your vaccination receipt? See below for details on ways you may be able to obtain proof of your vaccination status!


Through Toronto Public Health

For help obtaining your proof of vaccination, contact:

1. Toronto Public Health

  • Phone Number: 416-338-7600
  • TTY: 416-392-0658

When trying to locate your proof of vaccination, it’s helpful to be able to provide as much identifying information as you are able, including:

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Phone Number and/or E-mail Address
  • Date of Vaccination
  • Location You Were Vaccinated
  • Your Public School (if you attended one)
    • In some cases, Toronto Public Health may be able to help you locate your vaccination status using this information.

Once your identity has been verified, Toronto Public Health will issue you a unique COVID ID Number/Personal Access Code. This COVID ID Number/Personal Access Code is a requirement for people to access their vaccination receipts. 

You can then call the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre (number below) to email you a copy of your receipt. If you do not have an e-mail address or a fixed address, the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre will arrange for your receipt to be delivered to a trusted friend, family member, or community organization. 

Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre

  • Phone Number: 1-833-943-3900

If you attended a low barrier vaccine clinic where your information was not entered into the Covax system and now need it entered, contact Linda Godfrey at Linda.Godfrey@toronto.ca with your name, date of birth, and when you received the vaccine. Note: Linda can only enter doses given at Toronto Public Health clinics.


If you need assistance in having your vaccination receipt emailed to you, Linda can also help you with this. Please provide your name, date of birth, location of the clinic you attended, and the date that you received your vaccination.

For further assistance with COVID IDs for shelter clients without OHIP/computer/phone access:

Linda Godfrey will try to fulfill requests to have her team attend your sites to provide Covid ID's and print vaccination receipts for your clients. If this is of interest, please contact Linda directly at Linda.Godfrey@toronto.ca

Alternatively, you can complete a COVID ID request form with clients. The signed and completed form should be returned to covidsupport@toronto.ca with the subject line "Covid ID [Client last name]". The Covid ID would be e-mailed back to the e-mail address provided (whether the client's or your agency's). Note that this is intended to be used by agencies with people who have real barriers to accessing this service through the TPH Hotline.

You will see that a member of the agency staff team will have to sign the form, confirming that to the best of their knowledge the information provided is accurate. This mirrors what would be required of someone actually creating a Covid ID in CovaxON.  There's an expectation of due diligence to ensure that the Covid ID is being attached to the correct CovaxON record, to avoid sharing personal health information with the wrong person and to reduce the risk of fraud related to vaccination records (which is very active right now).

Through The Vaccine Clinic You Attended

Alternatively, if you know the low-barrier vaccine clinic or clinic provider you attended, you can contact them directly (see information below).

1. Anishnawbe Health Toronto

2. Inner City Health Associates

  • Phone Number: 416-591-4411

3. Unity Health Toronto

If you do not have a photo OHIP card and you received your vaccination at either St. Joseph’s or St. Michael’s hospitals, please contact communications@unityhealth.to with the following information:

  • Full Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Date and Location of Vaccination

4. Maggie’s Toronto

  • Phone Number: 416-964-0150

NOTE: If you attended the following Maggie’s vaccination clinic locations on the dates below, please contact Toronto Public Health at 416-338-7600 and provide your contact information and the details of your vaccination appointment for further follow-up.

  • Holy Trinity (with Maggie's) – May 11, 2021 – 19 Trinity Square
  • Sanctuary (with Maggie's) – May 13, 2021 – 25 Charles St. East

5. Sherbourne Health

  • Phone Number: 416-460-2984 

If you received your vaccine at Sherbourne Health's vaccination clinic at Wellesley Community Centre, call to obtain your vaccine receipt.


If You Don’t Have OHIP

Vaccinated without an OHIP card? The following agencies may be able to help you to access your vaccination receipt:

Access Alliance

  • Phone Number: 416-760-8677
  • Hours:
    • Monday, Tuesday, Friday: 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    • Wednesday: 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    • Thursday: 12:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture

  • Phone Number: 416-306-4319
  • Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday: 1 to 5 p.m.

FCJ Refugee Centre

  • Phone Number: 416-469-9754 ext. 230 and 232;
  • WhatsApp: 437-217-3786
  • Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Email: vaccine@fcjrefugeecentre.org
  • To obtain a COVID-19 Temporary ID to access the provincial portal and download your digital receipt, call 416-469-9754 ext. 227 or send your request to vaccine@fcjrefugeecentre.org
    • Note that the link to download your receipt has an expiry date, so download the file and print it out as soon as possible

Phone interpretation services are available as needed at all three agencies. Adam House, Matthew House, Romero House, and Sojourn House will also provide support to their clients and help support people who call through the above intake partners, as required. Please do not leave your contact information with more than one of the above agencies.

If you have a red and white health card or no health card:

Call the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre at 1-833-943-3900. The call centre agent can email you a copy of your enhanced vaccine certificate with QR code. If the Contact Centre is unable to assist, please request support by contacting the Toronto Public Health Hotline at 416-338-7600, seven days a week from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

No Green Health Card?

Use the Get your proof tool to learn what to do if you:

  • have a red and white health card or no health card
  • had your vaccine outside Ontario or in a different country.

Printing Your Vaccine Receipt

At on-site TPH immunization clinics, clients can ask a nurse to look up and print their vaccination receipts.

Alternatively, clients or staff (with client consent) can email Linda Godfrey at Linda.Godfrey@toronto.ca. Please provide client's name, date of birth, and preferably the client's email address (so the receipt can be sent directly to the client). If client provides consent, the receipt can be mailed to the shelter site.

Toronto Drop-in Network’s member drop-ins can print out your proof of vaccination for you. To find a drop-in, visit: https://tdin.ca/search_dropins3.php

As well, Toronto Public Libraries is offering free printing of vaccination receipts at libraries across the city. For more information, visit: https://torontopubliclibrary.typepad.com/news_releases/2021/09/print-your-proof-of-vaccinaton-for-free-at-any-tpl-branch-.html

You can also go to a Service Ontario Location to get your receipt printed. See locations here: https://www.ontario.ca/locations/serviceontario

Help Getting ID

If you need help getting ID, please speak with a shelter staff member for assistance. If you need a new Canadian Birth Certificate, verification of status or Ontario Health Card, call Neighbourhood Link Support Services at 416-691-7404. If you need an Ontario Driver's License, Ontario ID Card or Health Card visit Service Ontario.

Associated Website:

      Printable Support Guide - Accessing Proof of Vaccination

This resource relates to:


The Toronto Drop-In Network (TDIN) is an active member-based coalition of 59 organizations that run at least 56 diverse drop-in centres across the city of Toronto. Our members work with people who are homeless, marginally housed, or socially isolated, including men, women, transgender and non-binary people, youth and seniors.

Toronto Drop-In Network
Toronto Drop-In Network       |       260 Augusta Avenue Toronto, ON, M5T 2L9       |       416-824-4172

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